Saturday, 30 March 2013

How to Increase Google PageRank – 3 Tips to Improve Pagerank

How to Increase Google Pagerank - Improve Google Pagerank
In this Guide i am going to write about, How to Increase Google pagerank or improve pagerank fast. now in these days web competition grows very fast, but it does not mean, difficult to get a good PR, there is some techniques that you should know about it.
There is many of the tips are excellent, i can not share even all tips here. but i will my best to share best and top tips for improving pagerank, you can check our pagerank we have PR3 on our blog.
Google Pagerank is discovered by Google, as we know Google is publishing lots of web tools day by day, like Panda and Penguin, but Pagerank is biggest Update and it has been discovered in 1999.
Pagerank analyze a website reputation. it’s analyze a domain authority and contents etc and show a pagerank mostly website has pagerank out of 10, Twitter has PR10 and Google has PR9. i have explained before about, When Google Pagerank update date come.

How to Increase Google Pagerank?

1. Make Solid Backlinks

Backlinks are very importent for a website, it does not mean you have to buy some backlinks, it is called spam, but there is also some legit ways to make solid backlinks for free and easy.
Some Guidelines to Make Solid Backlinks.
1. Comments on High domain authority websites or leave your url with anchor text there. it will pass juice to your website, and you website or blog will get a Pagerank update.
2. Guest Posts on other blogs, mostly bloggers allow to publish guest posts on their blogs. you can make some qualified articles and give them offer to publish it, even we also offer to publish a guest post on our blog for free. but here is i had written about, 8 Reasons why you should not allow guest posting.

2. Write Qualified Articles

Qualified article has lots of benefit for a blog, these articles not only help you to increase Google pagerank, even it also improve alexa rank and other web ranking. Qualified articles make your website more adorable and professional.
You can easily identify Low quality content and improve it by adding some more seo lines.

3. Social Activity

Create professional look social profiles always promote your new contents and pages on social communities, like Facebook, twitter, linkedin, reddit, etc.
I always promote my new contents on facebook groups, my page and twitter profiles. Always add your link to your profiles, such as previous i had share ad gravatar guide, you can share your website links there.



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